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T-Keyboard by LILYGO


  • Keyboard models: Q10
  • Connectivity: Bluetooth
  • Battery: 502530 LiPo 400mAh

Hardware: closed source Firmware: open source

Github: T-keyboard

Sales: active

Reddit r/LilyGO



The T-Keyboard is a Bluetooth-enabled miniature keyboard, powered internally by an Espressif ESP32-S3 system on a chip (SoC). It is a keyboard only, without a trackpad for mouse inputs.

Its distinctive hardware feature is a 1-inch LCD display at the top right corner, which can display text as you type it. However, one reviewer writes that "because the lip of the display screen is higher than the keys it makes it impossible for my thumb to find the 'rtyuiop' keys".

Overall, this keyboard is an interesting hardware dev kit, but it does not appear to be as consumer-friendly as other keyboard devices using BB hardware. The firmware is open source, and its functionality can be customized by modifying the C++ code powering it.

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