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HackberryPi by Zitao


  • Compute Board:
    • Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W
    • Raspberry Pi 4B
    • Raspberry Pi 5
  • Keyboard: Q20 Q10 9900
  • Display: colour_4-inch 720x720 pixel display
  • Battery:
    • Pi Zero 2 W: 2x Nokia BL-5C
    • Pi 4 or 5: 2x 18650 Li-ion

Hardware: closed source Firmware: closed source

Github: Hackberry-Pi_Zero Github: HackberryPi-4B Github: HackberryPi5

Sales: active on Tindie Sales: active on Elecrow

Discord: ZitaoTech

HackberryPi Q10


The HackberryPi is presently the most fully-featured handheld computer with a BB keyboard. It has a square 4-inch display with 720x720 pixels. It was first developed with a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W, although more powerful versions have since been released featuring a Raspberry Pi 4B or Raspberry Pi 5. Users have run many operating systems on the HackberryPi, including RaspberryPi OS, Kali, DietPi and RetroPi. Although the software options are plentiful, the hardware and firmware are closed sourceā€”so it is not the most extensible device.

With the flick of a toggle switch, the HackberryPi's keyboard and mouse will act as a generic USB device. You can then connect it via USB to control another device, just like the BB Keyboards by the same creator.

If you're after a HackberryPi, the hardest part may be buying one. New stock is dropped roughly once a month, with the exact date and time announced at least a day earlier in the #stock-announcement channel on Discord: ZitaoTech. Setting notifications for this channel will ensure you're the first to know when the next batch will be released. But you'll have to act quickly, because they sometimes sell out in less than 10 minutes.

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